Speaking of Chicago teachers strike, we will talk about the role of teachers in society USA. In science we Sociology unusual to find two terms that will always be associated, the'' status'' (a rank, rank or position of a person in a group, or the position of a group in relation to other groups) and social roles'''' (is an expected behavior of a person who has a certain status is) in society.
Status as a teacher, or a position as a teacher can be seen as a high or low, depending on where it is located. While role-based educator should demonstrate conduct as worthy of people's expectations, and teachers are expected to act as role models and referrals in the community and especially the students he taught. Teachers not only have one role only, it can act as an adult, as a teacher and as an educator, as an example, and so on.
Chicago Teachers Strike |
What happens if it does not come true? That's what happened in the USA now. The teachers of public schools in Chicago, the United States will conduct a large-scale strike. This is the first time that the action occurred in the past quarter of a century.
The teachers are demanding higher wages, better teacher evaluation system is adequate and a number of other demands. This strike will involve about 25 thousand teachers. But union leaders will continue to negotiate in hopes of reaching a favorable agreement.
The teachers are demanding a salary increase for an extra working day. Initially, they demanded a salary increase of 30 percent. But later in the negotiations, unions said it would accept a smaller increase if job evaluation bit commuted.